I think the most fun that I had this past year was planning and going on a cruise with my closest friends (Spencer, Heather, Jackie and The Chad). Who knew that the five of us would travel so well together? We spent about 10 days together and went to Disneyland and Mexico. It was so much fun and I would do it again in a heartbeat!! See how much fun we had!! (I did find that other cultures could not tell the age difference between Jackie, The Chad and I. Our waiter thought The Chad and I were married and Jackie was our daughter...so many good times came from that trip).
My friends and I had so much fun this year. We had tons of parties, with lots of food and usually around a specific theme. We celebrated Groundhog's Day, the Chinese New Year, St. Patty's Day, Halloween and many more. We went to rodoes (which were so much fun), and they supported me with Citrine (the Celtic singing group I am a part of). We had two major fun cabin trips (one in summer and one in fall). Watching movies at Heather's (inside and out) and just hanging out. I was also a bride's maid to my friend Brittney and that was so much fun. It was a blast (even when one of the groom's men teased me and my aisle partner and the DJ dedicating a song to me...all my close friends know who it was!!)
My family had so much fun too. Jamie went on her mission to Halifax, Canada and will be home at the end of July 2009!! Time went by so fast with her gone, but I can't wait for her to come home. Madi and Emmie helped me celebrate my 26th birthday by going to the zoo. We had a new addition to our family in June (Brynlee) and she is so cute, and her sisters take such good care of her. Jessie flew into town from AZ and we went to the cabin and zoo. It was so much fun having her come into town. We celebrated the 2nd Annual Wilson Family Olympics at the family cabin and had a blast with that.
I am sure that I missed something (my short term memory is not good), but all in all it was such a great year and I can't wait to see what 2009 brings to me and those I care deeply about. Life is an adventure, and I look forward to the adventures that are out there.
Here are the fun moments of the year that I have in pictures!!

The Institute Halloween Party
Having fun in Cabo San Lucas...CHARGE!!